11 Simple, Effective Hacks To Lost Weight Quickly

Using these hacks in combination with one another will increase your chances of losing weight

Melanie Stewart
The Road to Wellness


Image by Nathan Cowley at Pexels

I’ve put together these 11 simple yet effective hacks to lose weight quickly. However, you must remember that implementing a healthy diet and exercise are the power duo and will increase your chances of losing weight effectively.

If you skip eating the right foods that provide nourishment and nutrition, losing weight can be difficult. Also, if you don’t sweat it out and exercise every day, the flab will remain.

Firstly, before I get into it all, be sure to go easy on yourself. There is no point in stressing about it. After all, a healthy mind is essential for a healthy body.

These are some very effective hacks that will help you shed off those extra pounds quickly. When you implement one, or even all of these techniques regularly, you will start seeing results before you know it.

Hack #1- Say “NO” to soda

If you love drinking soda or the plethora of sugary beverage options available, it is time to make a change. Let me give you a clearer picture. Chocolate cream-filled eggs are rich and fatty, right? Well, one bottle of 7-Up contains an immense amount of sugar. It is almost equivalent to MANY chocolate cream-filled eggs.

When you drink soda, you’re flooding your system with large amounts of sugar and calories. Alcohol options like beer are no different. The amount of calories is quite high, even when you love to sip your favorite, creamy coffee. Whether it be a cappuccino, mocha latte, or whatever kind of sweet coffees you love. If it’s creamy and has sugar in it, you are adding bad fats to your body.

While there’s certainly no alternative to these delicious beverages, a healthier alternative is to drink plenty of water. It will ward off toxins out of your system. Water will also help to melt the stubborn fat that is stored in your body.

Hack # 2 Watch what you eat or drink

Soda and carbonated beverages (aside from seltzer water) are not the only things that are jam-packed with sugar.

Do you add sugar to your tea? Or, do you love snacking on a slice of toast with a spread of butter on top?

If yes, then you are practically feasting on calories.

Keep an eye on the food you eat. The less the calorie intake, the easier it is to lose weight.

Hack #3- Chew your food first and eat slow

Shoveling down food without chewing is NOT a good thing. You should always take a bite, chew your food thoroughly, and eat gradually and slowly. This will also improve your digestion. However, it also gives you a more accurate sense of when you’re feeling full.

The biggest advantage is that your body intakes the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients better when you eat in the right way. If chewing is not your forte’, start practicing it.

When you are mindful of the way you eat, you can lose weight a lot more quickly.

Hack #4- Start your morning with an intense workout session

It sounds laborious, and just the thought of doing it first thing in the morning can be exhausting. However, once you get the hang of exercising when you wake up, the blues will vanish. Instead, you will feel more energized and ready to take on the day.

Your body is pretty much in a fasting phase when you’re sleeping. Once you wake up, the sugar levels are quite abated. However, the fat-burning hormones and adrenaline spike up. This acts like a window that speeds up the process of fat burning.

Don’t postpone your workout. Start doing some intense physical drills. In a fasting stage, your body will torch off more fat and higher calories.

A good cardio session should work well. If weight training or strength training doesn’t sound like a plausible option, first thing in the morning. Head out and go for a brisk walk or run.

Hack #5- A carb-rich diet post your workout

Don’t munch on fiber foods only. Eat a breakfast or lunch that has some good carbohydrates in it. It’s just as relevant to the process of carb backloading.

I know you’ve probably been told to stay away from carbs; you should eat rich carbohydrates after you have had an intense workout session or fast.

With prolonged fasting and intensive training, your body experiences a shortage of glycogen.

Stick to complex carbohydrates. Eating complex carbs right after you’ve had a good stretch of briskly walking or running is a winning hack.

By consuming good carbs, you are essentially making up for the loss of glycogen. This is a very effective trick to nourish your system and still stay clear from storing carbs as unwanted fat.

Hack #6 -Take a brisk walk or run

Image by Andrea Piacquadio at Pexels

There are many benefits to walking and/or running. Taking a brisk walk or running is a great cardio option. It enhances your stamina and helps you stay fit and in good shape.

Don’t put off walking or even running here and there. Be sure to fit it into your schedule. The more you walk, or even run, the fitter you become. You will essentially lose a good amount of weight too.

Hack #7- Get plenty of rest and sleep well

Quality sleep is essential for your well-being. As I mentioned before, a healthy mind is essential for a healthy body.

Everyone needs rest and a good night's sleep to have mental clarity.

Your body keeps working even while you are sleeping. It burns fat. So, take a good nap for a healthy and toned body.

Hack #8- Cold showers are an unspoken trick

When you take pleasure in a cold shower, your body makes an effort to return to its normal temperature. Hence, the body works by burning calories and using the energy to heat itself.

Cold showers boost the release of adrenaline, testosterone, and even endorphins.

Hack #9 — Drink plenty of water

Keep your body clean of toxins. Drinking water is a good habit. It kicks up your metabolism and helps you digest food better. Water encourages the breakdown of food as well.

Add a slice of lemon to it for extra detoxification and flavor.

Hack #10- Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is probably not what you think. It’s not the typical fasting that you’ve heard of, and not eating for an entire day, or even days. It’s fasting, but intermittently.

In the intermittent fasting communities, you will hear of things like 8/16 or 12/12, etc.

For example 8/16 is when you don’t eat for 16 hours, (mostly when you’re sleeping) and eat within that 8-hour window.

People that do intermittent fasting usually choose to eat between noon -8PM, or 1 PM- 9 PM, and not eat between 8 PM- noon or 9 PM — 1 PM.

This is a very effective hack that I have tried in the past myself and have been successful with it.

There are also Facebook groups that can go more in-depth with this tactic if you want to give it a try.

Hack # 11- Dietary Supplements

This is a tricky one, and one you should be very careful about.

If you do decide to take a dietary supplement, be sure to do your research and outweigh the risks involved. No pun intended…

However, when you take a dietary supplement, such as “Hydroxycut,” you increase your chances of losing weight quicker.

I mention Hydroxycut because I used to take it when I practiced kickboxing back in the day, and it worked great for me.

However, now, as opposed to back then, it has all-natural ingredients and it is better for you than when I took it.

You can get it at a discounted price by clicking here.

( Disclaimer- I may receive a commission if you click on any links in this blog. I have linked these products because of their quality and not because of the compensation I may receive. Whether you decide to purchase something is essentially up to you.)

In essence, doing just one or even all of these things combined will greatly improve your weight-loss journey. Using these hacks in combination with one another, will increase your chances of losing weight a lot more effectively and a lot more quickly.



Melanie Stewart
The Road to Wellness

Writer, poker player, Marketer, Consultant, blogger, domainer, owner of several websites and businesses, and homemaker.